We host a range of social events, training and workshops to help you connect, learn and collaborate with likeminded people and organisations
Take a look at our upcoming events at The Kollective

Pancake Tuesday
Come and join us for some laughs and good tucker for our annual celebration of pancakes!
Date: Tuesday March 4th
Time: 10am
Location: The Pavillion

TK Collab Morning Tea
Are you a TK member? Come and join us for a cuppa and a friendly chat and grow your connections in the Kollective community! Feel free to bring a plate!
Date: Thursday, March 13th Time: 10am
Location: TK Kitchen

Meet The Members
A short and sweet monthy session to get to know our TK members and the services they offer. Rachel, Helen and Aporva are the Workbridge team at TK. Join us in the kitchen for a coffee to hear from them and make some new connections.
Date: March 26 Time:10am Location: TK Kitchen

Healthy Homes Initiative
The Kollective is supporting the 20 Degrees Initiative by Sustainability Options to make BOP homes healthier and warmer for those in need.
We are accepting donations of oil heaters and curtains in good condition.

SociaLink- Learning
One of SociaLink's services is to offer free or subsidised learning opportunities to help build capability within the community sector. Click on the button below to see all the workshops in offer and to book tickets.